Friday, January 8, 2010

Beware the Big Game Hunters

NFL playoff games are played on a grand stage as each game has its own individual time slot and each game is discussed and analyzed to the nth degree during the week leading up to the game. Every playoff team is under the microscope as every "expert" from TV, radio, websites and publications are all front and center to render their opinions on how the teams will ultimately perform in their do or die scenarios. Although a lack of information is certainly not the problem, this increase in the spotlight for these particular games can present a real problem to cappers and bettors.

The need to place a wager because it is a playoff game is very prevalent in the sports betting world. The feeling of "the bigger the game, the bigger the itch to lay down some action" plagues us all. Here is where discipline needs to take the day. Bettors cannot allow themselves to fall victim to tout services and handicappers who will ALWAYS have a play on a big game. Let's face it they only get paid for offering selections.

Forcing the action at playoff time is never a good idea and will usually result in lowering the net worth of the wagering party. If you do not have a strong opinion on the game (and most you will not), then absolutely pass on the game and wait for a future opportunity. Your bankroll will thank you.